
Monthly Chai Club

  • Help support Bader Hillel High!

    Join our Monthly Chai Club and become our partner. By becoming our partner through the Chai Club, you are committing to a recurring monthly donation.

    Chai means life. The heart does a small thing. It pumps. We often don’t think about the things that keep us alive. But they are so very important. The Chai Club consists of individuals committed to the health and stability of Bader Hillel High. 

    As a member of the Chai Club, your donation,

    combined with everyone else’s in this special club, will allow us to continue serving and growing our programming and student support that are so important. Don’t worry; you can always increase or decrease the amount.

    Credit Card
    I will send in my donation monthly.
    6789 N Green Bay Avenue, Glendale, WI 53209
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